


Arm Chair Development

About Me

I life long lover of video games and have spent the bulk of my ​adult life creating games at a world class level. My projects have ​had the honor of being consistently ranked among the best in ​their category year after year. I have excelled both as a project ​manager and as a game director.

In recent years, I have stepped away from corporate life to be ​available for family and to pursue my entrepreneurial spirit. I’ve ​taken up real estate while I try to launch new game development ​endeavors.

Most recently, I’ve been building a social media following and I ​have become a trusted voice to thousands of people trying to ​make sense of our stressful economic times.

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Game Development


My game development journey began in the 1990's, ​leading the game design team for BloodOmen: The ​Legacy of Kain, a foundational title that spawned the ​Legacy of Kain series.

From there, it was years of licensed titles until I ​joined the Battlefield franchise. In 2003 I lead the ​team that released the award winning BF: Secret ​Weapons of WWII. We followed that up with BF: ​Vietnam, a game so good that EA rereleased in as ​an expansion for BF: Bad Company 2.

My time at DICE/EA came to an end when I created ​the original design of BF Bad Company, which was ​developed by the team of DICE in Sweden.

What followed was a stint with Ubisoft Montreal and ​several of my own independent studios.

Today, I operate Arm Chair Development, an new ​independent studio working on a new title.


Real Estate

A career path is nonlinear. At times, you do what you ​have to do and in recent years I became a real ​estate professional in additional to my other ​endeavors.

In 2018, I won the rookie of the year award for my ​performance.

In 2022, I won the Excellence in Media Marketing ​award for my TikTok account.

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Content Creator

My TikTok content is a combination of daily blog, ​client generator, and information source.

I flex my muscles in finance, economics, and market ​intelligence. Where as others try to generate views ​through fear, I try to be the source of reason, facts, ​and sanity.

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